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Missing Teeth

SMILE while you still have teeth! If not, call us!


If you are missing one or two teeth ,options are simple. You can either get a bridge or an implant.Dental bridges require reduction of natural often healthy teeth which compromise their life span. Because they are hard to clean, in many cases, the teeth that are holding the bridge an develop decay and over time be lost.

Dental implants are the modern option for replacing missing teeth. They function like normal teeth ,can be flossed and brushed and never need be removed. If properly cared for they can last a life time.

Implants consists of a titanium screw that functions as the root replacement of a tooth.Implants maintain the health of the existing bone and limit the further bone loss over time. Implants can be used to replace multiple teeth (as in a bridge) or to retain or support partial and complete dentures, ensuring the quality of those options for replacement.

When you are missing many teeth you can get partial or full traditional dentures. The traditional dentures are held in by passive retention and those individuals have to rely on denture adhesives to keep them intact. For those of you that have worn them you know that in the case of the lower jaw they tend to flop around. This is the case on the lower jaw because the lower jaw bone is lost much quicker.

Other option is Implant dentures with a fixed bridge. Usually 4-6 implants are placed on the upper and lower arch to which implant dentures are fixed. They are more stable and do not need to be removed each night. They are called “All On 4”. As this is one of the more expensive methods of restoring missing teeth another option is available and that is an Over Denture.

Over denture is essentially a denture that is attached to either two dental implants or two mini-implants. The implants stabilize and retain the denture in the mouth by allowing it to actually “click” into the positions. Old dentures (or your existing denture) can usually be retro-fit to accommodate the denture. All lower dentures should be an over denture because otherwise they just “flop” around, making it difficult to speak and talk. This option still makes the denture removable each night.

Your Ideal Smile Doesn’t Have to Wait

Flexibile hours and same day appointments available to help you get the care you need, when you need it.