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General Dentistry Services

 Maintain your oral health with our comprehensive general dentistry services, including dental exams, cleanings, fillings, and preventive care.

Emergency Dental Care

Dental Emergency? Can’t Wait for an appointment? Scared? NO Problem!

Dental Hygiene

 Who doesn’t crave a spic-and span mouth? 

Porcelain Crowns

Nothing Replaces the Look and Strength of Enamel Like a Metal Free Zirconia Crown

Porcelain Bridges

Dental bridges are a highly aesthetic alternative for replacing missing teeth when implants are not possible or in some cases affordable.

Porcelain Fillings

Porcelain fillings also known as dental Inlays and Onlays are considered a halfway point between a filling and a crown.


What most people seem to associate with dentures is the memory of their grandma keeping a pair of “choppers” in a glass.

Root Canal Therapy

When severe tooth decay expands and enters the central core of the tooth infection enters your bloodstream through the tooth pulp.

Pediatric Dentistry

Although we are not solely pediatric practice we are a family-oriented practice and do cater to the smallest of patients.

Reversing Cavities

Tooth decay is caused by one of the “flesh eating” bacteria Streptococcus species. Caries or Tooth decay is an infection.

Laser Cavity Detection

Research shows that forty percent of tooth structure needs to dissolve before early cavities are detected by even most sensitive of x-rays.


If you are a teeth-grinder or jaw-clencher, while awake or asleep, a mouthguard can provide relief from a headache or TMJ jaw pain.

Your Ideal Smile Doesn’t Have to Wait

Flexibile hours and same day appointments available to help you get the care you need, when you need it.